Brain Actives är ett nootropiskt kosttillskott. Tack vare dess ingredienser främjar det koncentration och kognitiva processer samt påverkar energinivåerna.
Brain Actives är en produkt för människor som förväntar sig stöd i mental och fysisk ansträngning. Fördelarna kommer att uppskattas av alla som presterar under högsta effektivitet på jobbet och medan de lär sig.
Du kommer att känna de första effekterna av användning av Brain Actives efter cirka 30 minuter:
- Öka fokus – jobba fokuserat, även efter långa timmar på jobbet.
- Behåll koncentrationen – behåll ditt lugn, även under stressande omständigheter.
- Håll dig vaken – glöm bort att du är för trött för att hålla ögonen öppna.
- Förbättra din energinivå – känn dig full av glöd och glans, redo för alla utmaningar som kan komma i din väg.
- Bekämpa tröttheten – glöm bort att vara trött! Förmå att hantera alla utmaningar!
- Lär dig snabbare – ditt minne kommer att förbättras så pass mycket att du lär dig saker mycket snabbare än tidigare!
Brain Actives kosttillskott skapades med hjälp av 10 ämnen. När de kombineras tillsammans bildar de ett komplex som förbättrar minne och koncentration, accelererar inlärningsprocessen, ökar uppmärksamhet och koncentration, och även förkortar reaktionstiden. Produkten rekommenderas för personer som vill öka sina energi nivåer i kroppen, ta in kunskap på ett bättre sätt, arbeta intensivare och uppnå bättre resultat inom sport.
Brain Actives – Ingredienser
- Performance & Energy Booster
- Theacrine – TeaCrine® (125 Mg)
- TeaCrine® (C9H12N4O3)
En ingrediens som släpper lös din maximala potential. Mycket effektiv i kombination med koffein. Orsakar inte irritation eller koffeinkraschar. Oavsett om du förväntar dig stöd i mental ansträngning eller under träning i gymmet, stöder TeaCrine® dig lika effektivt.
TeaCrine®: Theacrine, Tetramethyluric Acid, Temurin, Temorine, 1,3,7,9-Tetramethyluric Acid, Tetramethyl Uric Acid, PubChem CID: 75324, Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 2309-49-1, ChemIDplus: 2309-49-1, FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: EJ939L81MY, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISAA22B0, References: Brain / Mental Clarity: ZIEGENFUSS, Tim N.; et al. A Two-Part Approach to Examine the Effects of Theacrine (TeaCrine®) Supplementation on Oxygen Consumption, Hemodynamic Responses, and Subjective Measures of Cognitive and Psychometric Parameters. Journal of dietary supplements, 2017, 14.1: 9-24. PMID:27164220, TAYLOR, Lem; et al. Safety of TeaCrine®, a non-habituating, naturally-occurring purine alkaloid over eight weeks of continuous use. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2016, 13.1: 2. PMID:26766930.
- TeaCrine® (C9H12N4O3)
- Natural Caffeine Anhydrous (150 Mg)
- Koffein (C8H10N4O2)
Koffein: påskyndar responstiden, minskar trötthet, ökar fysisk uthållighet, hjälper till att öka vakenheten.Koffein: Caffeine, 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, Thein,
PubChem CID: 2519,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 58-08-2,
ChemIDplus: 58-08-2,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: N06BC01,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2C8E40,
Brain / Mental Clarity: BELLO, Marissa L.; et al. The effects of TeaCrine® and caffeine on endurance and cognitive performance during a simulated match in high-level soccer players. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2019, 16.1: 20. PMID:30999897, DIETZ, Christina; DEKKER, Matthijs Effect of Green Tea Phytochemicals on Mood and Cognition. Current pharmaceutical design, 2017, 23.19: 2876-2905. PMID:28056735.
- Koffein (C8H10N4O2)
- Cognitive & Nootropic Complex
- Ashwagandha Root Extract [5% Withanolides] – KSM-66® (300 Mg)
- Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)
Ashwagandha: förbättrar minnet, ökar inlärningsförmågan, främjar kognitiv förmåga, hjälper till att minska stress.Species: Withania Somnifera,
Family: Solanaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH9BA3C0,
Brain / Mental Clarity: ANDRADE, Chittaranjan; et al. A double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the anxiolytic efficacy ff an ethanolic extract of withania somnifera. Indian journal of psychiatry, 2000, 42.3: 295. PMID:21407960, YENISETTI, Sarat; et al. Neuropharmacological Properties of Withania somnifera – Indian Ginseng: An Overview on Experimental Evidence with Emphasis on Clinical Trials and Patents. Recent patents on CNS drug discovery, 2015, 10.2: 204-215. PMID:27316579,
Stress / Relaxation: CHANDRASEKHAR, K.; KAPOOR, Jyoti; ANISHETTY, Sridhar A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 2012, 34.3: 255. PMID:23439798, SALVE, Jaysing; et al. Adaptogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Healthy Adults: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study. Cureus, 2019, 11.12: e6466. PMID:32021735.
- KSM-66®
KSM-66®: KSM-66®, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISAA49C0, References: Sports Nutrition: CHOUDHARY, Bakhtiar; SHETTY, A.; LANGADE, Deepak G. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera [L.] Dunal) in improving cardiorespiratory endurance in healthy athletic adults. Ayu, 2015, 36.1: 63. PMID:26730141.
- Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)
- Bacopa Monnieri Herb Extract [50% Bacosides] – Bacopin® (150 Mg)
- Bacopa Monnieri (Bacopa Monnieri)
Hjälper dig att ta upp kunskap, stärker koncentrationsförmågan, förbättrar hjärnfunktionen, förbättrar kognitiva funktioner.Species: Bacopa Monnieri,
Family: Plantaginaceae,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH358EF0,
Brain / Mental Clarity: MCPHEE, G. M.; DOWNEY, L. A.; NOBLE, A.; STOUGH, C. Cognitive training and Bacopa monnieri: Evidence for a combined intervention to alleviate age associated cognitive decline. Medical hypotheses, 2016, 95: 71-76. PMID:27692172, MORGAN, A.; STEVENS, J. Does Bacopa monnieri improve memory performance in older persons? Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 2010, 16.7: 753-759. PMID:20590480.
- Bacopin®
Bacopin®: Bacopin®, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISAA70D0.
- Bacopa Monnieri (Bacopa Monnieri)
- Gotu Kola Leaf Extract [8% Triterpenes] – Centellin® (50 Mg)
- Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)
Gotu Kola: känd nootropikum, revitaliserar hjärnan och nervsystemet, ökar uppmärksamhetsförmågan, förbättrar långtidsminnet.Species: Centella Asiatica,
Family: Apiaceae Mackinlayaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH4FA6A0,
Brain / Mental Clarity: PUTTARAK, Panupong; et al. Effects of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. on cognitive function and mood related outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Scientific reports, 2017, 7.1: 10646. PMID:28878245, SHINOMOL, G. K.; et al. Exploring the Role of “Brahmi” (Bacopa monnieri and Centella asiatica) in Brain Function and Therapy. Recent patents on endocrine, metabolic & immune drug discovery, 2011, 5.1: 33-49. PMID:22074576,
Cardiovascular Support: RAZALI, Nur Nadia Mohd; NG, Chin Theng; FONG, Lai Yen Cardiovascular Protective Effects of Centella asiatica and Its Triterpenes: A Review. Planta medica, 2019, 85.16: 1203-1215. PMID:31539918.
- Centellin®
Centellin®: Centellin®, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2D2A80.
- Triterpenes (C30H48)
Triterpenes: Triterpenes, Triterpene, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS391160.
- Madecassol (C48H78O19)
Madecassol: Madecassol, Asiaticoside, Centelase, Blastostimulina,
PubChem CID: 11954171,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 16830-15-2,
ChemIDplus: 16830-15-2,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: PKO39VY215,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISEDBB60.
- Brahmoside
Brahmoside: Brahmoside, Brahminoside, PubChem CID: 395762, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISED9450.
- Asiatic Acid (C30H48O5)
Asiatic Acid: Asiatic Acid, Asiantic Acid, Dammarolic Acid,
PubChem CID: 119034,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 464-92-6,
ChemIDplus: 464-92-6,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 9PA5A687X5,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISED6D40.
- Madecassic Acid (C30H48O6)
Madecassic Acid: Madecassic Acid, Brahmic Acid, 6Beta-Hydroxyasiatic Acid,
PubChem CID: 73412,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 18449-41-7,
ChemIDplus: 18449-41-7,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: M7O1N24J82,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISED4630. - Brahmoside
- Triterpenes (C30H48)
- Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica)
- Black Pepper Fruit Extract [95% Piperine] – BioPerine® (5 Mg)
- Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum)
Species: Piper Nigrum,
Family: Piperaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2CB550,
Brain / Mental Clarity: JOSHI, Hanumanthachar; PARLE, Milind Effects of piperine on memory and behavior mediated via monoamine neurotransmiters. Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2005, 22.2+ 3: 39-43., NEWERLI-GUZ, Joanna; ŚMIECHOWSKA, Maria Assessment of the contents of piperine in black pepper berries Piper nigrum L. Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna, 2009, XLII: 827–830..
- BioPerine®
BioPerine® är en innovativ form av piperin som saknar kemikalier och används för att odla växter som gödselmedel, koncentrat, näringsämnen, bekämpningsmedel och andra växtskyddsmedel. Säkerheten för dess användning har bekräftats av Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet. Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet (EFSA). Tack vare bättre, jämfört med konventionell form, upptag och utnyttjande av den här formen, observerar man en betydande ökning av upptag av andra värdefulla ingredienser i det här tillskottet. Detta leder till upp till 30 gånger starkare verkningseffekter. Dessutom innehåller BioPerine® mer piperin än svartpeppar extrakt, som ytterligare förstärker effektiviteten av produkten.BioPerine®: BioPerine®,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS28E4C0.
- Piperine (C17H19NO3)
Piperine: Piperine, Bioperine, Piperin, 1-Piperoylpiperidine, Piperoylpiperidine, 1-Piperylpiperidine,
PubChem CID: 638024,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 94-62-2,
ChemIDplus: 94-62-2,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS395F80,
Brain / Mental Clarity: JOSHI, Hanumanthachar; PARLE, Milind Effects of piperine on memory and behavior mediated via monoamine neurotransmiters. Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2005, 22.2+ 3: 39-43.. - Piperine (C17H19NO3)
- Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum)
- Neuro Vita-Min Blend
- Vitamin B6 (14 Mg)
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) (C8H11NO3)
Required for the biosynthesis of several neurotransmitters including dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. CILTEP features the metabolically active form of vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) to ensure optimal cognitive function. Low dietary intake or reduced blood concentrations of vitamin B6 is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin): Pyridoxine, Gravidox, Pyridoxol, Vitamin B6,
PubChem CID: 1054,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 65-23-6,
ChemIDplus: 65-23-6,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11HA02,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: KV2JZ1BI6Z,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS264CB0,
Cardiovascular Support: FRISO, Simonetta; et al. Vitamin B6 and Cardiovascular Disease. In: Water Soluble Vitamins. Springer, Dordrecht, 2012, 56: 265-290. PMID:22116704, JEON, Jimin; PARK, Kyong Dietary Vitamin B 6 Intake Associated With a Decreased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study. Nutrients, 2019, 11.7: 1484. PMID:31261898,
Brain / Mental Clarity: BOURRE, Jean-Marie Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 1: micronutrients. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 2006, 10.5: 377. PMID:17066209, RAMOS, Rúben J.; et al. Vitamin B6 Is Essential for Serine De Novo Biosynthesis. Journal of inherited metabolic disease, 2017, 40.6: 883-891. PMID:28801717,
Stress / Relaxation: POUTEAU, Etienne; et al. Superiority of Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Over Magnesium Alone on Severe Stress in Healthy Adults With Low Magnesemia: A Randomized, Single-Blind Clinical Trial. PloS one, 2018, 13.12: e0208454. PMID:30562392, KELLY, Gregory S. Nutritional and Botanical Interventions to Assist With the Adaptation to Stress. Alternative medicine review: a journal of clinical therapeutic, 1999, 4.4: 249-265. PMID:10468649,
Sports Nutrition: MANORE, Melinda M. Vitamin B6 and Exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 1994, 4.2: 89-103. PMID:8054964.
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) (C8H11NO3)
- Vitamin B12 (25 μg)
- Vitamin B12 (kobolamin, cyanokobalamin) (C63H88CoN14O14P)
Vitamin B12 (kobolamin, cyanokobalamin): Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin B12, Cobalamin, Crystamine, Anacobin,
PubChem CID: 5311498,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 68-19-9,
ChemIDplus: 68-19-9,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: B03BA01,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: P6YC3EG204,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS30D400,
Brain / Mental Clarity: SMITH, A. David; WARREN, Martin J.; REFSUM, Helga Vitamin B12. In: Advances in food and nutrition research. Academic Press, 2018, 2018: 215-279. PMID:29477223, TANGNEY, C. C.; AGGARWAL, N. T.; LI, H.; WILSON, R. S.; DECARLI, C.; EVANS, D. A.; MORRIS, M. C. Vitamin B12, cognition, and brain MRI measures: a cross-sectional examination. Neurology, 2011, 77.13: 1276-1282. PMID:21947532,
Stress / Relaxation: KELLY, Gregory S. Nutritional and Botanical Interventions to Assist With the Adaptation to Stress. Alternative medicine review: a journal of clinical therapeutic, 1999, 4.4: 249-265. PMID:10468649.
- Vitamin B12 (kobolamin, cyanokobalamin) (C63H88CoN14O14P)
- Pantothenic Acid (15 Mg)
- Vitamin B5 (pantotensyra) (C9H17NO5)
Vitamin B5 (pantotensyra): D-Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid, Pantothenate,
PubChem CID: 6613,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 79-83-4,
ChemIDplus: 79-83-4,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11HA31,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 19F5HK2737,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS26C1E0,
Brain / Mental Clarity: KENNEDY, David O. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy–A Review. Nutrients, 2016, 8.2: 68. PMID:26828517,
Stress / Relaxation: KELLY, Gregory S. Nutritional and Botanical Interventions to Assist With the Adaptation to Stress. Alternative medicine review: a journal of clinical therapeutic, 1999, 4.4: 249-265. PMID:10468649.
- Vitamin B5 (pantotensyra) (C9H17NO5)
- Magnesium – Aquamin™ Mg (75 Mg)
- Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium: Magnesium, PubChem CID: 5462224, Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 7439-95-4, ChemIDplus: 7439-95-4, The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS371590, References: Brain / Mental Clarity: BOURRE, Jean-Marie Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 1: micronutrients. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 2006, 10.5: 377. PMID:17066209, HUSKISSON, E.; MAGGINI, S.; RUF, M. The influence of micronutrients on cognitive function and performance. Journal of international medical research, 2007, 35.1: 1-19. PMID:17408051, Stress / Relaxation: POUTEAU, Etienne; et al. Superiority of Magnesium and Vitamin B6 Over Magnesium Alone on Severe Stress in Healthy Adults With Low Magnesemia: A Randomized, Single-Blind Clinical Trial. PloS one, 2018, 13.12: e0208454. PMID:30562392, Sports Nutrition: CINAR, Vedat; et al. Effects of magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion. Biological trace element research, 2011, 140.1: 18-23. PMID:20352370.
- Magnesium (Mg)
Manufacturer: | NuviaLab |
Kosttillskott som liknar Brain Actives
The Brain Actives dietary supplement is available in Sweden and many others countries around the world. In Sweden this supplement contains: Ashwagandha, Asiatic Acid, Bacopa Monnieri, Bacopin®, BioPerine®, Black Pepper, Brahmoside, Caffeine, Centellin®, Gotu Kola, KSM-66®, Madecassic Acid, Madecassol, Magnesium, Piperine, TeaCrine®, Terpenes, Triterpenes, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6 in its composition.
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