Women's Health (Menopause)

The Supplements against Menopause syndromeThe Supplements against Menopause syndrome

The Supplements against Menopause syndrome

Every women has to go through a period of menopause. This is a natural process that is often burdensome due to symptoms that make everyday life difficult, like sweating, sudden feeling of heat, nervousness or sleeplessness. In this section you will find supplements that contain a comprehensive combination of ingredients for women during the menopause period like hops (Humulus Lupulus), red clover extract, calcium, magnesium and vitamins from D,E and B group. Appropriate supplementation has a beneficial effect on women’s health − help relieve menopause symptoms, support hormonal balance and improves comfort during this difficult time.

Vitabase - Black Cohosh Extract Plus (Formula)Vitabase - Black Cohosh Extract Plus (Formula)

English version Vitabase – Black Cohosh Extract Plus (Formula)

Vitabase – Black Cohosh Extract Plus (Formula) contains Black Cohosh, Chasteberry and Dong Quai. Vitabase – Black Cohosh Extract Plus (Formula) is available in many countries around the world.

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Black cohosh is a plant native to North America. Generations of women have relied on black cohosh to support reproductive health. It is believed to help promote normal hormonal balance during menopause and menstrual cycles.
Evening Primrose, Female Hormone Support, 1,400 mg, 90 Softgels (Zhou Nutrition)Evening Primrose, Female Hormone Support, 1,400 mg, 90 Softgels (Zhou Nutrition)

English version Evening Primrose, Female Hormone Support, 1,400 mg, 90 Softgels (Zhou Nutrition)

Evening Primrose, Female Hormone Support, 1,400 mg, 90 Softgels (Zhou Nutrition) contains Common Evening Primrose and Gamma-Linolenic Acid. Evening Primrose, Female Hormone Support, 1,400 mg, 90 Softgels (Zhou Nutrition) is available in many countries around the world.

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Evening Primrose brings the extra strength you need to your daily supplement routine. This potent, nutrient rich formula can help you feel good from the inside out, supporting a healthy complexion and support hormonal balance when you’re out there running the world. Evening primrose may also help...
Maca, 500 mg, 100 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)Maca, 500 mg, 100 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)

English version Maca, 500 mg, 100 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)

Maca, 500 mg, 100 Veg Capsules (Now Foods) contains Maca. Maca, 500 mg, 100 Veg Capsules (Now Foods) is available in many countries around the world.

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Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is grown at high elevations in the Andes region of Central Peru. It has been traditionally used for centuries as a food source and as a general energy tonic. More recent scientific research suggests that Maca may help to support a healthy reproductive life for both men and...
Menopause Support, 90 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)Menopause Support, 90 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)

English version Menopause Support, 90 Veg Capsules (Now Foods)

Menopause Support, 90 Veg Capsules (Now Foods) contains Dong Quai, Raspberry, Chasteberry, Red Clover, Wild Yam, Licorice, Ginger, Griffonia, 5-Hydroxytryptophan ... and many others. Menopause Support, 90 Veg Capsules (Now Foods) is available in many countries around the world.

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NOW Menopause Support has recommended potencies of key ingredients that have been shown to support healthy response to the natural changes occurring during menopause. This blend includes standardized herbal extracts and other nutrients which, together, form a truly well-balanced product for women.
Duo-Fem, tabletki na dzień, 28 szt + tabletki na noc, 28 szt. / (Natur Produkt Pharma)Duo-Fem, tabletki na dzień, 28 szt + tabletki na noc, 28 szt. / (Natur Produkt Pharma)

Polish version Duo-Fem, tabletki na dzień, 28 szt + tabletki na noc, 28 szt. / (Natur Produkt Pharma)

Duo-Fem, tabletki na dzień, 28 szt + tabletki na noc, 28 szt. / (Natur Produkt Pharma) contains Hops, Chromium, Chromium Chloride, Zinc, Zinc Citrate, Red Clover, Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide, Lemon Balm ... and many others.
Duo-Fem, tabletki na dzień, 28 szt + tabletki na noc, 28 szt. / (Natur Produkt Pharma) is available exlusively in Poland.

Duo-Fem - suplement diety, zawierający kompleksowe połączenie składników aktywnych, łagodzących uciążliwe objawy związane z okresem menopauzy. Produkt przeznaczony dla osób dorosłych.
Climea forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm)Climea forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm)

Polish version Climea forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm)

Climea forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm) contains Hops, Calcium, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol, Vitamin E, Pyridoxine, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid ... and many others.
Climea forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm) is available exlusively in Poland.

Climea Forte - suplement diety zawierający izoflawony sojowe, wyciąg z szyszek chmielu (Humulus Lupulus), wapń i witaminy, wpływające korzystnie na organizm kobiet w okresie menopauzy. Preparat przeznaczony dla dorosłych kobiet.
Trilac lady, kapsułki twarde, 10 szt. / (Krotex)Trilac lady, kapsułki twarde, 10 szt. / (Krotex)

Polish version Trilac lady, kapsułki twarde, 10 szt. / (Krotex)

Trilac lady, kapsułki twarde, 10 szt. / (Krotex) contains Probiotics, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Plantarum and Magnesium Stearate.
Trilac lady, kapsułki twarde, 10 szt. / (Krotex) is available exlusively in Poland.

Trilac Lady - suplement diety, doustny probiotyk ginekologiczny zawierający składniki wspomagające odbudować prawidłową florę bakteryjną układu moczowo-płciowego (na florę bakteryjną składają się m.in. bakterie Lactobacillus). Trilac Lady zawiera 7 mld CFU opatentowanych bakterii...
Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno, tabletki, 60 szt. / (Queisser)Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno, tabletki, 60 szt. / (Queisser)

Polish version Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno, tabletki, 60 szt. / (Queisser)

Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno, tabletki, 60 szt. / (Queisser) contains Calcium Carbonate, Cholecalciferol, Thiamine, Thiamine Nitrate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Pyridoxine, Biotin, Folic Acid ... and many others.
Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno, tabletki, 60 szt. / (Queisser) is available exlusively in Poland.

Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno - suplement diety przeznaczony dla kobiet z objawami menopauzy i po okresie menopauzy.
Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)

Polish version Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)

Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser) contains Hops, Iodine, Potassium Iodide, Calcium, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol, Thiamine, Thiamine Nitrate ... and many others.
Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser) is available exlusively in Poland.

Doppelherz aktiv Aktiv-Meno Forte - suplement diety, zawierający unikalną kombinacje 13 aktywnych składników, z najwyższą łączną dawką izoflawonów sojowych i wyciągu z szyszek chmielu (Humulus Lupulus).
Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)

Polish version Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)

Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa) contains Hops, Chromium, Chromium Chloride, Zinc, Zinc Oxide, Iodine, Potassium Iodide, Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide ... and many others.
Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa) is available exlusively in Poland.

Falvit estro+ - suplement diety wzbogacony o fitoestrogeny zawarte w ekstrakcie z szyszek chmielu (Humulus Lupulus), przeznaczony dla kobiet.
Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)

Polish version Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa)

Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa) contains Hops, Chromium, Chromium Chloride, Zinc, Zinc Oxide, Iodine, Potassium Iodide, Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide ... and many others.
Falvit estro +, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Jelfa) is available exlusively in Poland.

Falvit estro+ - suplement diety wzbogacony o fitoestrogeny zawarte w ekstrakcie z szyszek chmielu (Humulus Lupulus), przeznaczony dla kobiet.
Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX 1 x dziennie, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX 1 x dziennie, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)

Polish version Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX 1 x dziennie, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser)

Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX 1 x dziennie, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser) contains Zinc, Zinc Oxide, Red Clover, Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide, Vitamin E, Thiamine, Thiamine Nitrate, D-Pantothenic Acid ... and many others.
Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX 1 x dziennie, tabletki, 30 szt. / (Queisser) is available exlusively in Poland.

Doppelherz Aktiv Meno COMPLEX - suplement diety polecany szczególnie dla kobiet powyżej 40 roku życia, u których występują objawy związane z okresem menopauzy.

Menopause - References & External links

The references to scientific articles about Menopause are not meant to imply that any products treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or human condition. We encourage our audience to do their own research beyond the resources we have provided so your decision is as educated as possible.