Kot se verjetno zavedaš, je prodaja testosterona in HGH (rastnega hormona) v Sloveniji prepovedana. Naša dostopna na trgu in najbolj napredna formula omogoča, da tvoje telo dobi snovi, ki pomagajo proizvajati testosteron in HGH – na naraven način in brez kakršnihkoli stranskih učinkov, ki jih lahko povzročijo anabolični steroidi.
Omenjeni hormoni so potrebni za rast mišic ter ustrezno sežiganje maščobe. Na kratko, naša formula hormonskih aktivatorjev ti omogoči doseči velikost mišic, ki si jih vedno želel imeti, v roku, ki bo presegel vsa tvoja pričakovanja.
- več mišične mase,
- več moči,
- vidne in lepo oblikovane mišice,
- hitri učinki.
Somatodrol poveča stopnjo testosterona in HGH v tvojem organizmu!
Sestavine naše edinstvene formule imajo znanstveno potrjeno delovanje, pospešujejo in povečajo rezultate tvojih naporov:
- povečanje stopnje testosterona za 30%,
- hitrejša obnova mišic po telovadbi,
- odpravljanje krčenja in napetosti mišic,
- povečanje moči in večja želja po spolnosti.
GRTH Factor
- povečuje stopnjo rastnega hormona celo za 26%,
- preprečuje delovanje somatostatina – hormona, ki blokira proizvodnjo HGH,
- povečuje zmogljivost in izločanje amoniaka, pri čemer odpravlja občutek utrujenosti.
Začni telovaditi s Somatodrol. Dvigni raven testosterona in rastnega hormona, izboljšaj moč in povečaj mišično maso. Oglej si vse rezultate trdega dela v telovadnici.
Somatodrol – Sestavine
- GRTH Factor 700 Mg
- Beta-Alanine 400 Mg
- Beta-Alanine (C3H7NO2)
Beta-Alanine: Beta-Alanine, β-alanine, Β-Alanine, 3-Aminopropanoic Acid, Beta Alanine, Abufene, 2-Carboxyethylamine, 3-Aminopropanoate, Omega-Aminopropionic Acid, Beta-Alaine,
PubChem CID: 239,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 107-95-9,
ChemIDplus: 107-95-9,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: P03BA02,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 11P2JDE17B,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS9450C0.
- Beta-Alanine (C3H7NO2)
- AAKG (Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate) 300 Mg
- L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (C11H20N4O7)
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate: L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Diarginine Oxoglurate, Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, AAKG, Creatine AKG, Creatine Alpha-Ketoglutarate,
PubChem CID: 3083894,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 16856-18-1,
ChemIDplus: 16856-18-1,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: I9LFI257OB,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS9477D0.
- L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (C11H20N4O7)
- Beta-Alanine 400 Mg
- TST Factor 208.22 Mg
- DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) 200 Mg
- D-Aspartic Acid (C4H7NO4)
D-Aspartic Acid: D-Aspartic Acid, D-Aspartatic Acid, D-Aspartate, (-)-Aspartic Acid, (R)-Aspartic Acid, D-Aminosuccinic Acid,
PubChem CID: 83887,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 1783-96-6,
ChemIDplus: 1783-96-6,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 4SR0Q8YD1X,
Sports Nutrition: ROSHANZAMIR, Farzad; SAFAVI, Seyyed Morteza The putative effects of D-Aspartic acid on blood testosterone levels: A systematic review. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, 2017, 15.1: 1. PMID:28280794, TOPO, Enza; et al. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2009, 7.1: 120. PMID:19860889.
- D-Aspartic Acid (C4H7NO4)
- Zinc Oxide 8.22 Mg
- Cink (cinkov oksid) (ZnO or OZn)
Cink (cinkov oksid): Zinc Oxide, Zinc White, Oxozinc, Amalox,
PubChem CID: 14806,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 1314-13-2,
ChemIDplus: 1314-13-2,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS26E8F0-2.
- Cink (cinkov oksid) (ZnO or OZn)
- DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) 200 Mg
- Fat Reduction Matrix 173.58 Mg
- Cayenne Pepper 4:1 90 Mg
- Cayenne Pepper (Kajenski poper) (Capsicum Annuum)
Species: Capsicum Annuum,
Family: Solanaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Capsici Fructus,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH298100.
- Cayenne Pepper (Kajenski poper) (Capsicum Annuum)
- Guarana 46 Mg
- Guarana Seed (Guarana Seme) (Paullinia Cupana)
Species: Paullinia Cupana,
Family: Sapindaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Paulliniae Semen,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH29CF20.
- Guarana Seed (Guarana Seme) (Paullinia Cupana)
- Caffeine Anhydrous 30 Mg
- Kofein (C8H10N4O2)
Caffeine: accelerates response time, reduces fatigue, increases physical endurance, helps to increase alertness.Kofein: Caffeine, 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, Thein,
PubChem CID: 2519,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 58-08-2,
ChemIDplus: 58-08-2,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: N06BC01,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2C8E40.
- Kofein (C8H10N4O2)
- Nicotine Acid 6.06 Mg
- Vitamin B3 (niacin/nikotinska kislina) (C6H5NO2 or HOOC5H4N or C5H4NCOOH)
Vitamin B3 (niacin/nikotinska kislina): Nicotinic Acid, Vitamin B3, Vitamin PP, Niacin, Pyridine-3-Carboxylic Acid, 3-Pyridinecarboxylic Acid,
PubChem CID: 938,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 59-67-6,
ChemIDplus: 59-67-6,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: C04AC01,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 25X51I8RD4,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS30FB10.
- Vitamin B3 (niacin/nikotinska kislina) (C6H5NO2 or HOOC5H4N or C5H4NCOOH)
- Vitamin B6 0.62 Mg
- Vitamin B6 (piridoksin) (C8H11NO3)
Vitamin B6 (piridoksin): Pyridoxine, Gravidox, Pyridoxol, Vitamin B6,
PubChem CID: 1054,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 65-23-6,
ChemIDplus: 65-23-6,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11HA02,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: KV2JZ1BI6Z,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS264CB0,
Sports Nutrition: MANORE, Melinda M. Vitamin B6 and Exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 1994, 4.2: 89-103. PMID:8054964.
- Vitamin B6 (piridoksin) (C8H11NO3)
- Vitamin B12 0.9 Mg
- Vitamin B12 (kobalamin, cianokobalamin) (C63H88CoN14O14P)
Vitamin B12 (kobalamin, cianokobalamin): Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin B12, Cobalamin, Crystamine, Anacobin,
PubChem CID: 5311498,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 68-19-9,
ChemIDplus: 68-19-9,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: B03BA01,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: P6YC3EG204,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS30D400.
- Vitamin B12 (kobalamin, cianokobalamin) (C63H88CoN14O14P)
- Cayenne Pepper 4:1 90 Mg
Prehranska dopolnila, podobna Somatodrol
The Somatodrol dietary supplement is available in Slovenia and many others countries around the world. In Slovenia this supplement contains: Beta-Alanine, Caffeine, Cayenne Pepper, Guarana Seed, L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6 and Zinc in its composition.
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