

Zastavenie nadmernej tvorby mazu z mazových žliaz, odblokovanie pórov a protizápalové účinky sú základné úlohy, ktoré plní Nonacne. Vďaka tomuto pôsobeniu pokožka znova získa zdravý vzhľad a nebudete sa už musieť obávať červených vyrážok na tvári! Okrem toho, používanie Nonacne umožňuje zabrániť vzniku nových lézií, pustúl, čiernych bodiek alebo hnisavých cýst na tvári, ktoré sú výsledkom zápalu.
Príčiny vzniku akné môžu tiež byť v hormonálnych zmenách a za tieto kožné zmeny najčastejšie zodpovedajú androgény. Nonacne sa vďaka svojej štruktúre a príslušným komponentom dokáže vyrovnať aj s týmto problémom. Nonacne funguje na všetky typy akné, bez ohľadu na príčinu jeho vzniku! Akné v boji s Nonacne nemá šancu!
Zložky sú vyberané tak, aby komplexne vyriešili problémy s pokožkou náchylnou na akné. Každé má určitú úlohu a spolu odstránia problém zápalných zmien permanentne a účinne! Toto unikátne zloženie zahŕňa: ďatelinu, smilax užitočný, výťažok zo žihľavových listov, výťažok z hroznových jadier, zinok, lykopén, meď a vitamíny: C, A, E, B5 a B6.
Nonacne – Prísady
- Red Clover Extract (Trifolium Pratense) [8% Isoflavones] [30:1]
- Ďatelina lúčna (Trifolium Pratense)
RCE (Red Clover Extract) supplementation exerts a subject improvement of scalp hair and skin status as well as libido, mood, sleep, and tiredness.Species: Trifolium Pratense,
Family: Fabaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2E14E0,
Beauty: LIPOVAC, Markus; et al. Effect of Red Clover Isoflavones over Skin, Appendages, and Mucosal Status in Postmenopausal Women. Obstetrics and gynecology international, 2011, 2011: . PMID:22135679.
- Ďatelina lúčna (Trifolium Pratense)
- Sarsparilla Extract (Smilax Officinalis) [4:1]
- Sarsparilla (Smilax Officinalis)
Species: Smilax Officinalis,
Family: Smilacaceae,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2E3BF0.
- Sarsparilla (Smilax Officinalis)
- Grape Seed Extract (Vitis Vinifera) [95% OPC – Oligomeric Proanthocyandins] [120:1]
- Grape Seed (Vitis Vinifera)
Species: Vitis Vinifera,
Family: Vitaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Vitis Viniferae Folium,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2E6300,
Acne: NELSON, Kate; LYLES, J. T.; LI, T.; SAITTA, A.; ADDIE-NOYE, E.; TYLER, P.; QUAVE, C. L. Anti-acne activity of Italian medicinal plants used for skin infection. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2016, 7: 425. PMID:27891094, AL-MOUSAWI, Alia Hussein; et al. Effect of Black Grape Seed Extract (Vitis Vinifera) on Biofilm Formation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Staphylococcus Haemolyticus. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77.2: 238-245. PMID:31807847,
Beauty: DI FRANCESCO, Serena; et al. Red Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Flavonoids Down-Regulate Collagen Type III Expression After UV-A in Primary Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells. Experimental dermatology, 2018, 27.9: 973-980. PMID:29742305.
- Grape Seed (Vitis Vinifera)
- Nettle Leaf Extract (Uritica Dioica) [20:1]
- Nettle Leaf (Urtica Dioica)
Výťažok z listov žihľavy obyčajnej obmedzuje sekréciu kožného mazu, má protizápalové účinky, zlepšuje metabolizmus, zbavuje pleť toxínov.Species: Urtica Dioica,
Family: Urticaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Urticae Radix,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Urticae Folium,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Urticae Herba,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH27D350,
Acne: KıLıç, S.; OKULLU, S. Ö.; KURT, Ö.; SEVINç, H.; DüNDAR, C.; ALTıNORDU, F.; TüRKOğLU, M. Efficacy of two plant extracts against acne vulgaris: Initial results of microbiological tests and cell culture studies. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 2018. PMID:30414245.
- Nettle Leaf (Urtica Dioica)
- Tomato Extract (Tomato Powder – Lycopersicon Esculentum) [10% Lycopene]
- Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum)
Species: Lycopersicon Esculentum,
Family: Solanaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH373CA0.
- Lykopén (C40H56)
Lykopén: Lycopene, Trans-Lycopene, Lycopene 7, Lycored,
PubChem CID: 446925,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 502-65-8,
ChemIDplus: 502-65-8,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2E8A10,
Acne: MATSUOKA, Lois Y.; WORTSMAN, J.; TANG, G. W.; RUSSELL, R. M.; PARKER, L.; GELFAND, R.; MEHTA, R. G. Are endogenous retinoids involved in the pathogenesis of acne?. Archives of dermatology, 1991, 127.7: 1072-1073. PMID:1829604.
- Lykopén (C40H56)
- Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum)
- Vitamin A Preparation (Retinol Acetate & Maltodextrin & Dextrin & Modifield Strach & Antioxidant & D-Alpha Tocopherol)
- Vitamin A (Retinol Acetate) (C22H32O2)
Vitamin A (Retinol Acetate): Retinyl Acetate, Vitamin A Acetate, Retinol Acetate, Crystalets, Vitamin A1 Acetate, Vitamin A Alcohol Acetate, Vitamin A ester, Trans-Retinol Acetate,
PubChem CID: 638034,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 127-47-9,
ChemIDplus: 127-47-9,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 3LE3D9D6OY,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2AB980-3.
- Maltodextrin (C6nH(10n+2)O(5n+1))
Maltodextrin: Maltodextrin, Maltodextrin (NF), Maltrin (TN),
PubChem CID: 7849388,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 9050-36-6,
ChemIDplus: 9050-36-6,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 7CVR7L4A2D,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS9429B0.
- Dextrin (C18H32O16)
Dextrin: Dextrin, Dextrins, Fortodex, Dextrid, Nutriose, Dextrine, Deprexil, Fibersol-2,
PubChem CID: 62698,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 9004-53-9,
ChemIDplus: 9004-53-9,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 2NX48Z0A9G,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISDB1DC0. - Maltodextrin (C6nH(10n+2)O(5n+1))
- Vitamin A (Retinol Acetate) (C22H32O2)
- Vitamin C As Ascorbic Acid
- Vitamín C (C6H8O6)
Vitamín C: Ascorbic Acid, L-Ascorbic Acid, L(+)-Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C,
PubChem CID: 54670067,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 50-81-7,
ChemIDplus: 50-81-7,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11GA01,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: PQ6CK8PD0R,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2D5190,
Acne: MORRIS, George E. Use of vitamin C in acne vulgaris. AMA archives of dermatology and syphilology, 1954, 70.3: 363-364. PMID:13188475.
- Vitamín C (C6H8O6)
- Cooper As Copper Gluconate
- Meď (glukonát meďnatý) (C12H22CuO14)
Meď (glukonát meďnatý): Copper Gluconate, Cupric Gluconate, Copper Di-D-Gluconate, Gluconates, Cupric Gluconate Monohydrate,
PubChem CID: 10692,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 527-09-3,
ChemIDplus: 527-09-3,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2A9270-1,
Acne: FRANCK, P. Acne conglobata rapidly cured with intravenous copper sulfate. Bulletin de la Societe francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, 1951, 58.1: 75-76. PMID:14839451, PARSONS, H. H. The Use of Copper in Acne. California and western medicine, 1933, 38.1: 42. PMID:18742384.
- Meď (glukonát meďnatý) (C12H22CuO14)
- Zinc As Zinc Citrate
- Zinku (citranu zinočnatého) (C12H10O14Zn3)
Zinku (citranu zinočnatého): Zinc Citrate, Trizinc Dicitrate, Citric Acid,
PubChem CID: 11023,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 546-46-3,
ChemIDplus: 546-46-3,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: K72I3DEX9B,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS26E8F0-1.
- Zinku (citranu zinočnatého) (C12H10O14Zn3)
- DL-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E)
- Vitamín E (α-tokoferol) (C29H50O2)
Vitamin E has antioxidant properties.Vitamín E (α-tokoferol): Vitamin E, Alpha-Tocopherol, Α-Tocopherol, D-Alpha-Tocopherol, DL-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, DL-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate,
PubChem CID: 14985,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 59-02-9,
ChemIDplus: 59-02-9,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2A4450,
Acne: ACHARYA, S. R. Vitamin E (tocoferol acetate) in the treatment of adolescent acne. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 1990, 38.2: 189-190. PMID:2143182, DE LUCA, C.; DEEVA, I.; MIKHAL’CHIK, E.; KORKINA, L. Beneficial effects of pro-/antioxidant-based nutraceuticals in the skin rejuvenation techniques. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France), 2007, 53.1: 94-101. PMID:17519117.
- Vitamín E (α-tokoferol) (C29H50O2)
- Vitamin B5 && B6
- Vitamín B
Vitamín B: Vitamin B, B Vitamins, .
- Vitamín B5 (kyselina pantoténová) (C9H17NO5)
Vitamín B5 (kyselina pantoténová): D-Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid, Pantothenate,
PubChem CID: 6613,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 79-83-4,
ChemIDplus: 79-83-4,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11HA31,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 19F5HK2737,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS26C1E0,
Acne: LEUNG, L. H. Pantothenic acid deficiency as the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Medical hypotheses, 1995, 44.6: 490-492. PMID:7476595, YANG, Michael; MOCLAIR, B.; HATCHER, V.; KAMINETSKY, J.; MEKAS, M.; CHAPAS, A.; CAPODICE, J. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of a novel pantothenic acid-based dietary supplement in subjects with mild to moderate facial acne. Dermatology and therapy, 2014, 4.1: 93-101. PMID:24831048.
- Vitamín B6 (pyridoxín) (C8H11NO3)
Vitamin B6 regulates hormonal activity.Vitamín B6 (pyridoxín): Pyridoxine, Gravidox, Pyridoxol, Vitamin B6,
PubChem CID: 1054,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 65-23-6,
ChemIDplus: 65-23-6,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11HA02,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: KV2JZ1BI6Z,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS264CB0,
Acne: LINCKE-PLEWIG, H. Vitamins B6 and B12 in acne?. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946), 1978, 103.3: 1292. PMID:150326. - Vitamín B6 (pyridoxín) (C8H11NO3)
- Vitamín B5 (kyselina pantoténová) (C9H17NO5)
- Vitamín B
Recommended intake of this supplement: 2 capsule, daily (adults).
Additional information
Manufacturer: | NuviaLab |
Potravinové doplnky podobné Nonacne
The Nonacne dietary supplement is available in Slovakia and many others countries around the world. In Slovakia this supplement contains: Copper, Dextrin, Grape Seed, Lycopene, Maltodextrin, Nettle, Red Clover, Sarsparilla, Tomato, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc in its composition.
Se solicita Cotización por 02 Unidades de Nonacne para ser enviados a Huehuetenango, Guatemala.