But what if that occurrence can possibly be reversed, or prevented?
Well it may be possible. And Para-Axe Plus may be able help you do it. Para-Axe Plus is a complete cleanse that gets rid of most parasites that may be present in the gut.
Parasites are the cause of many different types of diseases. And they can come from just about anywhere. You can be infected with a parasite by the food you eat, or even by sexual contact. So that makes it difficult to even know that you have a parasite most times…
Along with a cleanse such as Para-Axe Plus, following a diet free of processed foods, carbs, grains, alcohol and sugar; may help to rid the body of parasites.
Para-Axe Plus Care Benefits:
- May Improve Mood.
- May Help Prevent Many Diseases.
- May Support Digestive Health.
- May Increase Energy Levels And Vibrance.
What’s In This Stuff Anyways?
Only the right ingredients will ever make it into a bottle of Para-Axe Plus. We have managed to merge more than seven of the most powerful parasite removers nature has to offer.
When these powerful ingredients come together, they synergize to remove parasites. In other words, worms, bad bacteria and harmful microbes may be removed in the presence of Para-Axe Plus.
Para Axe Plus Cleanse Supplement – Ingredients
- Black Walnut Hull
- Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra)
Parasites are hard to kill because of the biofilm they create around themselves. But Black Walnut contains compounds that dissolve the biofilm which makes the parasite vulnerable.Species: Juglans Nigra,
Family: Juglandaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH4609B0,
Cleansing: BYERLEY, Lauri O.; et al. Changes in the Gut Microbial Communities Following Addition of Walnuts to the Diet. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 2017, 48: 94-102. PMID:28797931.
- Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra)
- Wormwood Herb Powder
- Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)
Wormwood has strong immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. It also is known to have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-cancer attributes.Species: Artemisia Absinthium,
Family: Asteraceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Absinthii Herba,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH471B20,
Digestive Health: NG, S. C.; et al. Systematic Review: The Efficacy of Herbal Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2013, 38.8: 854-863. PMID:23981095, SZOPA, Agnieszka; et al. Artemisia absinthium L.-Importance in the History of Medicine, the Latest Advances in Phytochemistry and Therapeutical, Cosmetological and Culinary Uses. Plants, 2020, 9.9: 1063. PMID:32825178.
- Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)
- Clove Seed Powder
- Cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum)
Cloves contain a compound called eugenol. Eugenol is one of the most powerful anti-microbial agents found in nature. It impacts the bad microbes in the gut but as well as circulates to kill parasites larvae and eggs.Species: Syzygium Aromaticum,
Family: Myrtaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Caryophylii Floris Aetheroleum,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH46F410,
Digestive Health: CHAIEB, Kamel; et al. The chemical composition and biological activity of clove essential oil, Eugenia caryophyllata (Syzigium aromaticum L. Myrtaceae): a short review. Phytotherapy research, 2007, 21.6: 501-506. PMID:17380552, LIU, Qing; et al. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of spices. International journal of molecular sciences, 2017, 18.6: 1283. PMID:28621716.
- Eugenol (C10H12O2)
Eugenol: Eugenol, Eugenic Acid, 4-Allyl-2-Methoxyphenol, 4-Allylguaiacol,
PubChem CID: 3314,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 97-53-0,
ChemIDplus: 97-53-0,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 3T8H1794QW,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISE3D050,
Cleansing: EL-KADY, Asmaa M.; et al. Eugenol, a Potential Schistosomicidal Agent With Anti-Inflammatory and Antifibrotic Effects Against Schistosoma mansoni, Induced Liver Pathology. Infection and drug resistance, 2019, 12: 709. PMID:30992676, RAJA, Mamilla R. Charan; et al. Eugenol Derived Immunomodulatory Molecules Against Visceral Leishmaniasis. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 2017, 139: 503-518. PMID:28826085.
- Eugenol (C10H12O2)
- Cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum)
- Papaya (Fruit) Powder
- Papaya (Carica Papaya)
Papayas are known to be rich in a fatty acid that disrupts the life cycle of parasites. Helping to eliminate them naturally.Species: Carica Papaya,
Family: Caricaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH4657D0,
Cleansing: CABRAL, Eduardo Ramos Martins; et al. In Vitro Ovicidal and Larvicidal Activity of Carica Papaya Seed Hexane Extract Against Strongyloides Venezuelensis. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2019, 11.25: 61. PMID:31778389, KUGO, M.; et al. Fortification of Carica Papaya Fruit Seeds to School Meal Snacks May Aid Africa Mass Deworming Programs: A Preliminary Survey. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 2018, 18.1: 327. PMID:30526582.
- Papain
Papain: Papain,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 9001-73-4,
ChemIDplus: 9001-73-4,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS5217A0,
Cleansing: MORAES, Dayane; et al. In Vitro Efficacy of Latex and Purified Papain From Carica Papaya Against Strongyloides Venezuelensis Eggs and Larvae. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2017, 4.3: 59. PMID:28380118.
- Papain
- Papaya (Carica Papaya)
- Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin) Seed Powder
- Cucurbita (Cucurbita Pepo)
Pumpkin seeds are a highly effective anti-parasitic food. A Chinese study found that they had to power to eliminate up to 89% of parasites.Species: Cucurbita Pepo,
Family: Cucurbitaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Cucurbitae Semen,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHB1C3D0,
Cleansing: ALHAWITI, Anan O.; TOULAH, Fawzia H.; WAKID, Majed H. Anthelmintic Potential of Cucurbita Pepo Seeds on Hymenolepis Nana. Acta parasitologica, 2019, 64.2: 276-281. PMID:30778840, GRZYBEK, Maciej; et al. Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activity and Composition of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.) Seed Extracts-In Vitro and in Vivo Studies. International journal of molecular sciences, 2016, 17.9: 1456. PMID:27598135.
- Cucurbita (Cucurbita Pepo)
- Garlic Extract
- Garlic (Allium Sativum)
Garlic is known to effectively kill over 60 types of fungi, and 20 type of bacteria. It contains two powerful compounds that kill parasites, the two compounds are called allicin and ajoene. Garlic also detoxifies and has antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation caused by parasites.Species: Allium Sativum,
Family: Amaryllidaceae Allioideae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Allii Sativi Bulbus,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH459480,
Cleansing: KRSTIN, Sonja; et al. Anti-Parasitic Activities of Allium sativum and Allium cepa Against Trypanosoma B. brucei and Leishmania tarentolae. Medicines, 2018, 5.2: 37. PMID:29690511, GONCAGUL, Gulsen; AYAZ, Erol Antimicrobial Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum). Recent patents on anti-infective drug discovery, 2010, 5.1: 91-93. PMID:19929845.
- Allicin (C6H10OS2)
Allicin: Allicin, Allimin, Allimed, Alliosan, Garlic Extract, Diallyl Thiosulfinate, Diallyldisulfid-S-Oxid, DADSO,
PubChem CID: 65036,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 539-86-6,
ChemIDplus: 539-86-6,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: A11CC03,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 3C39BY17Y6,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS45E2A0,
Cleansing: ANKRI, Serge; et al. Antimicrobial Properties of Allicin From Garlic. Microbes and infection, 1999, 1.2: 125-129. PMID:10594976, AALA, Farzad; et al. Antimicrobial Effects of Allicin and Ketoconazole on Trichophyton Rubrum Under in Vitro Condition. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2012, 43.2: 786-792. PMID:24031891.
- Ajoene (C9H14OS3)
Ajoene: Ajoene, (E)-Ajoene,
PubChem CID: 5386591,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 92284-99-6,
ChemIDplus: 92284-99-6,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISE7C7F0,
Cleansing: PEREZ, Hilda A.; DE LA ROSA, M.; APITZ, Rafael In Vivo Activity of Ajoene Against Rodent Malaria. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 1994, 38.2: 337-339. PMID:8192460, URBINA, Julio A.; et al. Inhibition of Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis and Cell Proliferation in Trypanosoma Cruzi by Ajoene, an Antiplatelet Compound Isolated From Garlic. Biochemical pharmacology, 1993, 45.12: 2381-2387. PMID:8328978. - Ajoene (C9H14OS3)
- Allicin (C6H10OS2)
- Garlic (Allium Sativum)
- Oregano Extract
- Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)
Oregano may also be one of the most powerful antimicrobial herbs around. It has been shown to fight the spread of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.Species: Origanum Vulgare,
Family: Lamiaceae,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHBA2840,
Cleansing: NOSTRO, Antonia; et al. Effects of Oregano, Carvacrol and Thymol on Staphylococcus Aureus and Staphylococcus Epidermidis Biofilms. Journal of medical microbiology, 2007, 56.4: 519-523. PMID:17374894, TELES, Amanda Mara; et al. Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa Essential Oils: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antileishmanial Activity. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019, 2019: 8928306. PMID:30766611.
- Carvacrol (C10H14O)
Carvacrol: Carvacrol, 5-Isopropyl-2-Methylphenol, Isopropyl-O-Cresol, Karvakrol,
PubChem CID: 10364,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 499-75-2,
ChemIDplus: 499-75-2,
FDA Substance Registration System – Unique Ingredient Identifier: UNII: 9B1J4V995Q,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: ISE7EF00,
Cleansing: SHARIFI-RAD, Mehdi; et al. Carvacrol and Human Health: A Comprehensive Review. Phytotherapy Research, 2018, 32.9: 1675-1687. PMID:29744941, LEE, J. H.; KIM, Y. G.; LEE, J. Carvacrol-rich Oregano Oil and Thymol-Rich Thyme Red Oil Inhibit Biofilm Formation and the Virulence of Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli. Journal of applied microbiology, 2017, 123.6: 1420-1428. PMID:28980415,
Digestive Health: KACHUR, Karina; SUNTRES, Zacharias The antibacterial properties of phenolic isomers, carvacrol and thymol. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2020, 60.18: 3042-3053. PMID:31617738.
- Carvacrol (C10H14O)
- Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)
Dietary supplements similar to Para Axe Plus Cleanse Supplement
The Para Axe Plus Cleanse Supplement dietary supplement is available in Australia and many others countries around the world. In Australia this supplement contains: Ajoene, Allicin, Black Walnut, Carvacrol, Cloves, Cucurbita, Eugenol, Garlic, Oregano, Papain, Papaya and Wormwood in its composition.
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