Hair loss is a common problem that may be improved with vitamin and mineral supplementation. Vitamins and minerals are important for normal cell growth and function and may contribute to hair loss when they are deficient. While supplementation is relatively affordable and easily accessible, it is important to know which vitamins and minerals are helpful in treating hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium are two common types of hair loss. Studies show that supplementing the diet with low levels of vitamin D can improve symptoms of these diseases. If a people with androgenetic alopecia or telogen effluvium has low iron levels (more commonly seen in females), supplementation is also recommended. These iron-deficient people should also ensure their vitamin C intake is appropriate.
Alopecia areata occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicle. Studies have shown a relationship between alopecia areata and low vitamin D levels.
Iron, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and selenium are vitamins and minerals that may be involved in hair graying/whitening during childhood or early adulthood. Supplementing these deficient micronutrients can improve premature graying(1173).