

Mnoho rokov sa lekári snažia nájsť účinný produkt, ktorý bude bezpečný a zároveň mimoriadne účinný. Po rokoch výskumu a dôkladných analýz, sa nám podarilo vytvoriť TriApidix300 – produkt, ktorý má obe tieto vlastnosti. Vďaka unikátnym prísadám, urýchľuje proces spaľovania tuku a pomáha rýchlo schudnúť nechcené kilogramy.
TriApidix300 je výživový doplnok, ktorý bezpečným spôsobom urýchľuje váš metabolizmus a znižuje chuť do jedla. Unikátna receptúra nášho produktu, obohatená o tyrozín a guaranu, výťažky z čierneho korenia a divého pomaranča, odstraňuje toxíny z vášho organizmu a uvoľňuje energiu, ktorá bola blokovaná tukom. Tieto prísady bojujú proti lipogenéze a urýchľujú lipolýzu, ktorá zabraňuje ukladaniu prebytočného tuku. Prírodné výťažky zlepšujú krvný obeh a bojujú so zápalmi. Náš produkt zlepšuje váš zdravotný stav, posilňuje telo a chráni ho pred rôznymi infekciami.
TriApidix300 je jedným z najúčinnejších výživových doplnkov dostupných na trhu. Vyvinutý s použitím najlepších prísad, poskytuje účinnú ochranu a extrémne rýchle výsledky. Už po niekoľkých dňoch uvidíte rozdiel!
Triapidix300 – Prísady
- L-tyrozín (C9H11NO3)
L-tyrozín: Tyrosine, L-Tyrosine, P-Tyrosine, 4-Hydroxyphenylalanine,
PubChem CID: 6057,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 60-18-4,
ChemIDplus: 60-18-4,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS27AC40,
Weight Loss: DAUBNER, S. Colette; LE, Tiffany; WANG, Shanzhi Tyrosine hydroxylase and regulation of dopamine synthesis. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 2011, 508.1: 1-12. PMID:21176768.
- Guarana Seed (Guarana Seed) (Paullinia Cupana)
A popular energy supplement, Guarana Extract offers one of the highest concentrations of caffeine among any plant. In fact, it can contain up to 3.6 to 5.8% caffeine by weight whereas coffee has only up to 2%. It has a stimulating effect. Supports lipid metabolism.Species: Paullinia Cupana,
Family: Sapindaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Paulliniae Semen,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH29CF20,
Weight Loss: ALKHATIB, Ahmad; SEIJO, M.; LARUMBE, E.; NACLERIO, F. Acute effectiveness of a “fat-loss” product on substrate utilization, perception of hunger, mood state and rate of perceived exertion at rest and during exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2015, 12.1: 44. PMID:26612980.
- Black Pepper Extract (Piper Nigrum)
Black pepper fruit extract – supports the secretion of digestive juices, increases the absorption of nutrients, regulates bowel movements.Species: Piper Nigrum,
Family: Piperaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2CB550,
Weight Loss: TAKOOREE, Heerasing; AUMEERUDDY, M. Z.; RENGASAMY, K. R. R.; VENUGOPALA, K. N.; JEEWON, R.; ZENGIN, G.; MAHOMOODALLY, M. F. A systematic review on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.): from folk uses to pharmacological applications. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2019, 2019: 1-34. PMID:30740986, MUJUMDAR, Arvind Manohar; DHULEY, Jayant Nilkanth; DESHMUKH, Vinaykumar Keshav; RAMAN, Palghat Hariharan; NAIK, Suresh Ramnath Anti-inflammatory activity of piperine. Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology, 1990, 43.3: 95-100. PMID:2283727.
- Bitter Orange (Bitter Orange) (Citrus Aurantium)
Bitter Orange Fruit Extract: facilitates weight control, supports the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Supports the work of the digestive system. Instantly suppresses the appetite, by stabilizing the level of glucose in the blood, and increases the metabolism of fat.Species: Citrus Aurantium,
Family: Rutaceae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2932E0,
Weight Loss: PREUSS, Harry G.; DIFERDINANDO, D.; BAGCHI, D. Citrus aurantium as a thermogenic, weight-reduction replacement for ephedra: an overview. Journal of medicine, 2002, 33.1-4: 247-264. PMID:12939122, COLKER, Carlon M.; DIFERDINANDO, D.; BAGCHI, D. Effects of Citrus aurantium extract, caffeine, and St. John’s wort on body fat loss, lipid levels, and mood states in overweight healthy adults. Current Therapeutic Research, 1999, 60.3: 145-153..
- Zelený čaj (Camellia Sinensis)
Green Tea Extract, which may boost metabolism while providing potent antioxidants. Fat can’t be burned until it’s broken down in your fat cells and moved to your bloodstream, but the compounds in green tea can boost your fat burning hormones.Norepinephrine is a chemical that instructs fat cells to break down fat. EGCG, the main antioxidant found in green tea, inhibits an enzyme responsible for breaking down norepinephrine. This results in an increase in norepinephrine, which can increase the amount of fat your body breaks down.It is even thought that caffeine and EGCG, both of which occur naturally in green tea, work together because caffeine works to the same effect as EGCG. Green tea extract stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids, supports thermogenesis of the body, and is a powerful antioxidant that protects against the negative effects of free radicals. Green tea is generally beneficial in supporting a healthy metabolism and your overall health.Species: Camellia Sinensis,
Family: Theaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Camelliae Sinensis Non Fermentatum Folium,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2B07A0,
Weight Loss: MAKI, Kevin C.; REEVES, M. S.; FARMER, M.; YASUNAGA, K.; MATSUO, N.; KATSURAGI, Y.; KOMIKADO, M.; TOKIMITSU, I.; WILDER, D.; JONES, F.; BLUMBERG, J. B.; CARTWRIGHT, Y. Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults. The Journal of nutrition, 2008, 139.2: 264-270. PMID:19074207, CHEN, I-Ju; et al. Therapeutic effect of high-dose green tea extract on weight reduction: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition, 2016, 35.3: 592-599. PMID:26093535.
- Kofeín (C8H10N4O2)
Caffeine isn’t just a great ingredient to reduce fatigue and increase alertness and focus (as would your favorite cup of coffee). It also stimulates thermogenesis, slimming you down by turning up your body’s internal temperature. It can even reduce your appetite, helping you stay on track with your healthy eating choices. Caffeine instantly energizes, increases concentration and improves endurance. It allows you to practice longer and achieve better results.Kofeín: Caffeine, 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, Thein,
PubChem CID: 2519,
Chemical Abstracts Service: CAS: 58-08-2,
ChemIDplus: 58-08-2,
WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System: ATC code: N06BC01,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IS2C8E40,
Weight Loss: TABRIZI, R.; SANEEI, P.; LANKARANI, K. B.; AKBARI, M.; KOLAHDOOZ, F.; ESMAILLZADEH, A.; NADI-RAVANDI, S.; MAZOOCHI, M.; ASEMI, Z. The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2018, 2018: 1-9. PMID:30335479, SMITH, Andrew Effects of caffeine on human behavior. Food and chemical toxicology, 2002, 40.9: 1243-1255. PMID:12204388. - Guarana Seed (Guarana Seed) (Paullinia Cupana)
Recommended intake of this supplement: 2 capsule, daily (adults).
Potravinové doplnky podobné Triapidix300
The Triapidix300 dietary supplement is available in Slovakia and many others countries around the world. In Slovakia this supplement contains: Bitter Orange, Black Pepper, Caffeine, Green Tea, Guarana Seed and L-Tyrosine in its composition.
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