You probably know what ketogenic diet is – that it consists of a major change of your eating habits. Its goal is to remove carbohydrates from your everyday diet. That way instead of from carbs your body starts to generate energy from body fat stores and simply burns it! That state is called ketosis. That radical change is supposed to help you gain a slim figure.
But what if you could achieve that same result in an easy and pleasant way? Consider using KETO CORE drops, which:
- promote proper weight,
- eliminate the negative consequences of the keto diet, and most of all:
- put you into the state of ketosis without the need to keep a strict diet!
KETO CORE are drops which you add to water or juice. Just drink it and watch it work.
The convenient form allows you to use the drops at any time of the day, wherever you are and whatever you do. Your body absorbs them quickly because unlike capsules it does not need extra time to dissolve them.
Drops don’t need any additional ingredients, such as gelatine which often appears in capsule shells. The composition of KETO CORE is transparent. The supplement includes only active plant extracts, which have a positive slimming effect. Their medium consists of glycerol and deionised water. All that to ensure your safety.
KETO Core – Ingredients
- Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis)
Yerba mate contains polyphenols such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, which work by inhibiting enzymes like pancreatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase, which in turn play a role in fat metabolism. Yerba mate has been shown to increase satiety by slowing gastric emptying. Effects on weight loss may be due to reduced absorption of dietary fats and/or altered cholesterol metabolism. Yerba mate contains polyphenols such as flavonoids and phenolic acids, which work by inhibiting enzymes like pancreatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase, which in turn play a role in fat metabolism. Yerba mate has been shown to increase satiety by slowing gastric emptying. Effects on weight loss may be due to reduced absorption of dietary fats and/or altered cholesterol metabolism.Species: Ilex Paraguariensis,
Family: Aquifoliaceae,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHA7FFD0,
Weight Loss: DE LA GARZA, Ana Laura; et al. Natural inhibitors of pancreatic lipase as new players in obesity treatment. Planta medica, 2011, 77.08: 773-785. PMID:21412692, GAMBERO, Alessandra; RIBEIRO, Marcelo L. The positive effects of yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis) in obesity. Nutrients, 2015, 7.2: 730-750. PMID:25621503.
- Ginger Rhizomes (Zingiber Officinale)
Extract de rădăcină de ghimbir reduce pofta de mâncare, stimulează producerea de suc gastric, facilitează cursul unor boli ale tractului gastrointestinal (stimulează metabolismul, previne creșterea repetată a greutății). Extractul din ghimbir medicinal: ajută la funcționarea sistemului imunitar, are o acțiune antioxidantă, ajută la asimilarea substanțelor nutritive, scade nivelul de zahăr din sânge, îmbunătățește metabolizarea hidrocarburilor. Contine aminoacizi esențiali care nu sunt sintetizate de catre organism Îmbunătățește termogeneza, ajutând arderea caloriilor stocate.Species: Zingiber Officinale,
Family: Zingiberaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Zingiberis Rhizoma,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH2959F0,
Weight Loss: MAHARLOUEI, Najmeh; TABRIZI, R.; LANKARANI, K. B.; REZAIANZADEH, A.; AKBARI, M.; KOLAHDOOZ, F.; RAHIMI, M.; KENESHLOU, F.; ASEMI, Z. The effects of ginger intake on weight loss and metabolic profiles among overweight and obese subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 2018, 2018: 1-14. PMID:29393665, TAGHIZADEH, Mohsen; FARZIN, N.; TAHERI, S.; MAHLOUJI, M.; AKBARI, H.; KARAMALI, F.; ASEMI, Z. The effect of dietary supplements containing green tea, capsaicin and ginger extracts on weight loss and metabolic profiles in overweight women: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2017, 70.4: 277-285. PMID:28595182,
Digestive Health: HANIADKA, Raghavendra; et al. A review of the gastroprotective effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). Food & Function, 2013, 4.6: 845-855. PMID:23612703, PETERSON, Christine T.; et al. Prebiotic Potential of Culinary Spices Used to Support Digestion and Bioabsorption. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019, 6.2: 8973704. PMID:31281405,
Urinary Tract: RATH, Sibanarayan; PADHY, Rabindra N. Monitoring in vitro Antibacterial Efficacy of 26 Indian Spices Against Multidrug Resistant Urinary Tract Infecting Bacteria. Integrative medicine research, 2014, 3.3: 133-141. PMID:28664089.
- Peppermint (Mentha X Piperita)
Menta Piperată: Are un efect spasmolitic, Împrospătează respirația, Îmbunătățește funcționarea stomacului și a sistemului digestiv.Species: Mentha X Piperita,
Family: Lamiaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Menthae Piperitae Aetheroleum,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Menthae Piperitae Folium,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH476940,
Digestive Health: CHUMPITAZI, Bruno P.; KEARNS, G. L.; SHULMAN, Robert J. Review article: the physiological effects and safety of peppermint oil and its efficacy in irritable bowel syndrome and other functional disorders. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2018, 47.6: 738-752. PMID:29372567, MERAT, Shahin; et al. The effect of enteric-coated, delayed-release peppermint oil on irritable bowel syndrome. Digestive diseases and sciences, 2010, 55.5: 1385-1390. PMID:19507027.
- Lovage (Levisticum Officinale)
Lovage helps your body drain fat and it regulates how your digestive tract works.Species: Levisticum Officinale,
Family: Apiaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Levistici Radix,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHA17020,
Digestive Health: MIRAN, Mansour; et al. Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Phthalides from the Roots of the Medicinal Herb Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR, 2020, 19.2: 182. PMID:33224223,
Urinary Tract: YARNELL, Eric Botanical medicines for the urinary tract. World journal of urology, 2002, 20.5: 285-293. PMID:12522584, NABER, Kurt G.; et al. Efficacy and Safety of the Phytotherapeutic Drug Canephron® N in Prevention and Treatment of Urogenital and Gestational Disease: Review of Clinical Experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Research and reports in Urology, 2013, 5: 39. PMID:24400233.
- Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)
Extract de rădăcină de păpădie echilibrează digestia și pofta de mâncare. reface echilibrul electrolitic, normalizează microflora intestinală (are efect laxativ delicat, reface flora intestinală a intestinului).Species: Taraxacum Officinale,
Family: Asteraceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Taraxaci Radix Cum Herba,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Taraxaci Folium,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IH9B7CB0,
Weight Loss: GONZáLEZ-CASTEJóN, Marta; et al. Reduction of Adipogenesis and Lipid Accumulation by Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) Extracts in 3T3L1 Adipocytes: An in Vitro Study. Phytotherapy research, 2014, 28.5: 745-752. PMID:23956107, GARCíA-CARRASCO, Belén; et al. In vitro Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects of Leaf and Root Extracts of Taraxacum Officinale. Medical Sciences, 2015, 3.2: 38-54. PMID:29083390.
- Pansy (Viola Tricolor)
Wild Pansy increases the sense of satiation while having a diuretic effect, thus helping your body remove excess water and toxins.Species: Viola Tricolor,
Family: Violaceae,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHB23900,
Urinary Tract: TOIU, Anca; et al. Pharmacognostic research on Viola tricolor L. (Violaceae). Revista medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din Iasi, 2009, 113.1: 264-267. PMID:21491816.
- Sage (Salvia Officinalis)
Species: Salvia Officinalis,
Family: Lamiaceae,
European Medicines Agency: EMA: Salviae Officinalis Folium,
Domain: Plantae,
The Best Supplements – Unique Ingredient Identifier: TBSI ID: IHA4A470.
Dietary supplements similar to KETO Core
The KETO Core dietary supplement is available in Romania and many others countries around the world. In Romania this supplement contains: Dandelion, Ginger, Lovage, Pansy, Peppermint, Sage and Yerba Mate in its composition.
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