The properties of Cognizine
Citicoline (cognizine, Cognizin®, CDP-Choline) is a water-soluble compound that occurs naturally in every cell in your body. It plays a major role in brain function, and shows improved concentration, focus and accuracy. You may also have better performance and speed on cognitive tests as well. Cognizin® promises to help protect your brain from the ravages of time and the environment.
While other brain nutrients may assist the brain in a very narrowly targeted way, Cognizin® is known in its ability to impact many vital brain functions.
Cognizin® has a multi-faceted effect on brain health showing increased concentration, focus and improved accuracy, better performance and improved speed on cognitive tasks.
Citicoline is sold in over 70 countries under a variety of brand names: Cebroton, Ceraxon, Cidilin, Citifar, Cognizin, Difosfocin, Hipercol, NeurAxon, Nicholin, Sinkron, Somazina, Synapsine, Startonyl, Trausan, Xerenoos, etc.
- Supports cognitive function in elderly (Citicoline in the Treatment of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders in Pathologic Senile Decline).
- May improve attentional performance (The Effect of Citicoline Supplementation on Motor Speed and Attention in Adolescent Males).
- May limit excitotoxicity from glutamate activity (Citicoline Improves Memory Performance in Elderly Subjects) (Promotes an increase in brain energy through improved mitochondrial function).