CBD Products To Support Brain Function, Memory And Cognitive Processes

CBD Products To Support Brain Function, Memory And Cognitive Processes
CBD Products To Support Brain Function, Memory And Cognitive Processes

Life in the 21st century is very often associated with high pace of action, intensive activity, long-term stress and the overwhelming influence of various types of distractors in the professional and private field. This may lead to chronic fatigue and, consequently, the lack of satisfactory results and general dissatisfaction with one’s own actions and achievements. A lifestyle dominated by haste, multitasking and the pressure of results causes problems with concentration or memory, which is very burdensome at work or during the learning process. Many people cannot withstand such a heavy load of activities and, as a consequence, develop various ailments, including brain diseases.

CBD Cannabinoid And Brain Functioning Improvement

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found, inter alia, in hemp oil. It improves blood flow in an area of the brain called the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory processes. According to research by scientists dealing with the probelms of the brain functioning, this compound also helps in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, PTSD and schizophrenia.
When reviewing scientific articles on the effects of cannabinoids such as CBD we can find evidence that they:

  • improve mitochondrial function (cells that produce energy for the body),
  • act as antioxidants,
  • reduce inflammation in the brain,
  • help remove toxins and waste from the body,
  • maintain healthy brain cells, contribute to its regeneration after stroke or other injuries and help new cells grow.

Cannabinoids contribute to good condition of the brain functioning, keeping the mind sharp and maintaining the cognitive processes at a healthy level.

Cannabidiol And The Workings Of The Endocannabinoid System

From a medical standpoint, too low levels of cannabinoids in the body promote deconcentration and a decrease in the efficiency of thought processes. CBD has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire endocannabinoid system. This is done through modulation of GABA neurotransmitter receptors, which is stimulated by cannabinoids. Cannabidiol improves blood supply to the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memory and emotions, which directly increases its effectiveness. CBD binds to PPARgamma receptors, which leads to a decrease in the development of beta amyloid plaques responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cannabidiol And Depression

Cannabidiol has a very profound therapeutic potential due to its relaxing properties that reduce stress, alleviates symptoms of psychosis and anxiety. The use of dietary supplements containing hemp products is of particular interest to those suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out on something important, chronic stress syndrome and insomnia). The cannabidiol (CBD) found in them supports “mental efficiency” and “clears” the mind of a barrage of thoughts. This cannabinoid also has a positive effect on non-cannabinoid receptors, such as the serotonin-5 hydroxytryptophan receptor (5-HTP), which is responsible for anxiety and insomnia. This consequently impacts positively the treatment of depression.

Cannabidiol And Excitotoxicity

Excitotoxicity is a type of damage caused by over-stimulation of our brain cells. It can be a consequence of traumatic brain injury, stroke, hearing loss, and neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system, including multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Glutamine-dependent excitotoxicity occurs in virtually every age-related neurodegenerative disease and brain dysfunction. It is also one of the main molecular mechanisms observed in epilepsy. CBD has a positive effect on reducing excitotoxicity, thanks to which it is increasingly used to support the treatment of related diseases.

Antipsychotic properties of CBD

The antipsychotic effects of CBD are related to its effect on the neurotransmitter anandamide, discovered in the 1990s. This compound can both improve mood and potentially reduce sensitivity to pain. It is referred to as the “bliss molecule” because researchers have linked higher levels of anandamide to a reduction in psychotic symptoms. Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) breaks down anandamide. Because CBD inhibits the FAAH enzyme this beneficial compound remains active longer in the nervous system, thus increasing the antipsychotic effect.

Cannabidiol And Neurosciental And Compulsive Obsession Disabilities

Recent studies show that dietary supplements containing CBD work for more than just these types of conditions. Cannabidiol also has a positive effect on improving brain function in neurodevelopmental disorders (including on the autism spectrum) and compulsive-obsessive disorders, where it relieves anxiety, stress, and reduces excessive brain stimulation while improving cognitive processes.


Further research is undoubtedly needed on the effects of CBD oil on the body. The results we have so far seem very promising and encourage further testing on its effects on proper brain function including cognitive processes, memory or mental illness.

CBD products are completely legal and generally available without a prescription. To make sure the CBD product you are buying is of the highest quality, look for recognized brands that regularly test their products in independent laboratories. You can find a list of our recommended hemp products on our website under the “Hemp Products” tab. They are perfectly described, have all the required certificates and tests. In the description of each of them you will find a link to the manufacturer’s website where you can buy them at the best possible price, without intermediaries, with a guarantee of fast delivery and the certainty that you will receive the highest quality product, original and properly stored.

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