Ley Beth M.
Bl Publications, 2000
Abstract is not available.
Category: | Brain / Mental Clarity |
The best supplements with Vinca Minor in Brain / Mental Clarity category:
- Pure Nootropics Vinpocetine Capsules - Vinpocetine’s cognitive and memory benefits may be related to its ability to increase blood circulation in the brain, decrease the rate of neuronal death, improve intracerebral glucose, and produce long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. It contains among others: Vinca Minor.
- Brain Pill - „An amazing new product that supports your brain health and has the potential to change your life returning laser-sharp mental clarity” - Dr Dave David, a surgeon and physician for more than 37 years. It contains among others: Vinca Minor.
- Vitabase - Vinpocetine Plus (10 mg) - Vinpocetine, a compound derived from the Periwinkle plant, has been used in Europe for over twenty-five years to promote a healthy memory and improve concentration. It contains among others: Vinca Minor.
Articles similar to "Vinpocetine: revitalize your brain with periwinkle extract."
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