What are the properties of Plantago in supplements?

The properties of Plantago

The supplements containing Plantago

Tymianek i podbiał, pastylki do ssania bez cukru, 24 szt. / (Doz)Tymianek i podbiał, pastylki do ssania bez cukru, 24 szt. / (Doz)

Polish version

Tymianek i podbiał, pastylki do ssania bez cukru, 24 szt. / (Doz) contains amoung others Plantago.

Tymianek i podbiał, pastylki do ssania bez cukru, 24 szt. / (Doz) is available exlusively in Poland.

bez dodatku cukrów bezglutenowy nie zawiera laktozy DOZ PRODUCT Tymianek i Podbiał BEZ CUKRU - suplement diety w postaci pastylek do ssania.

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Plantago (Plantago Afra)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Plantago AfraPsyllium Seed, Plantain, Plantago
Latin NameEMA
Psyllii SemenPsyllii Semen
Parts Used Medicinally:Whole Plant, Leaves, Seeds