What are the properties of Oregon Grape in supplements?

The properties of Oregon Grape

The supplements containing Oregon Grape

Parasite ComplexParasite Complex

English version

Parasite Complex contains amoung others Oregon Grape.

Parasite Complex is available in many countries around the world.

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Vitabase Parasite Complex contains natural herbs such as garlic, black walnut, wood betony, Pau D Arco, butternut bark that are traditionally used to help rid the body of parasites. Each bottle contains a 10 day supply. For a more complete parasite removal, we recommend waiting 10 days after...

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Oregon Grape (Mahonia Aquifolium)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Mahonia AquifoliumOregon Grape Root, Oregon Grape, Berberis Aquifolium
Parts Used Medicinally:Root, Rhizome, Branch, Twig Bark