What are the properties of Mountain Arnica in supplements?

The properties of Mountain Arnica

The Mountain Arnica has not yet been classified as a component of any supplement we recommend, however, if you know of any specific that should be put on our list, please feel welcome to submit your proposition (contact us). We will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Mountain Arnica (Arnica Montana)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Arnica MontanaArnica Flower, Arnica, Leopard’s Bane, Mountain Daisy, Mountain Arnica, Leopard's Bane, Mountain Tobacco, Wolf's Bane
Latin NameEMA
Arnicae FlosArnicae Flos
Arnica is used externally as an ointment for sore muscles, sprains and bruises. It possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-septic properties.
Arnica should never be taken internally. Not recommended for long term use as it may cause skin irritation.
Parts Used Medicinally:Flowers, Roots Herb, Leaves, Rhizomes
Arnica Is Native To Central Asia, Siberia And Europe. Cultivated In North America.