What are the properties of Mad Dog Skullcap in supplements?

The properties of Mad Dog Skullcap

The Mad Dog Skullcap has not yet been classified as a component of any supplement we recommend, however, if you know of any specific that should be put on our list, please feel welcome to submit your proposition (contact us). We will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Mad Dog Skullcap (Scutellaria Lateriflora)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Scutellaria LaterifloraSkullcap, Mad Dog, Quaker Bonnet, Hoodwort, Helmet Flower, Blue Pimpernel, Scullcap Herb, Scullcap Herb Powder, Mad Dog's Skullcap, Mad Dog Skullcap
Skullcap is an ancient sleep aid remedy. It can greatly reduce anxiety and nervousness. It is often called nature’s tranquilizer. Besides its use as a sleep aid, many people take it to relieve muscle spasms and twitches, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. This herb also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and may be useful for treating arthritis and joint pain.
DO NOT TAKE while pregnant. Skullcap could cause miscarriage! Large doses of this herb may be harmful and could cause liver damage.
Parts Used Medicinally:The Whole Plant, Whole Plant
Skullcap Grows In Europe, Asia, Canada And The United States