What are the properties of Gymnema Sylvestre in supplements?

The properties of Gymnema Sylvestre

The supplements containing Gymnema Sylvestre

Vitabase - Fat BlockerVitabase - Fat Blocker

English version

Vitabase – Fat Blocker contains amoung others Gymnema Sylvestre.

Vitabase – Fat Blocker is available in many countries around the world.

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Fat blocker is an unique and effective blend of four natural ingredients that work together in the body to inhibit the absorption of fats and sugars by binding to them during the digestive process. Simply take our product 30 minutes before your meal for maximum effectiveness.
Apetiblock, tabletki do ssania, musujące, smak wiśniowo-malinowy, 50 szt. / (Aflofarm)Apetiblock, tabletki do ssania, musujące, smak wiśniowo-malinowy, 50 szt. / (Aflofarm)

Polish version

Apetiblock, tabletki do ssania, musujące, smak wiśniowo-malinowy, 50 szt. / (Aflofarm) contains amoung others Gymnema Sylvestre.

Apetiblock, tabletki do ssania, musujące, smak wiśniowo-malinowy, 50 szt. / (Aflofarm) is available exlusively in Poland.

Apetiblock - suplement diety w postaci tabletek musujących do ssania zawierający składniki pomagające zmniejszyć apetyt, zniwelować uczucie głodu oraz chęć podjadania. Produkt przeznaczony dla osób dorosłych. smak wiśniowo-malinowy.

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Gymnema Sylvestre (Gymnema Sylvestre)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Gymnema SylvestreGymnema Sylvestre Leaf, Gymnema Sylvestre Powder, Gurmar, Asclepias Geminata
Parts Used Medicinally:Root, Leaves