What are the properties of Gurmar in supplements?

The properties of Gurmar

The supplements containing Gurmar

Gymnema Sylvestre, 400 mg, 90 Veggie Caps (Now Foods)Gymnema Sylvestre, 400 mg, 90 Veggie Caps (Now Foods)

English version

Gymnema Sylvestre, 400 mg, 90 Veggie Caps (Now Foods) contains amoung others Gurmar.

Gymnema Sylvestre, 400 mg, 90 Veggie Caps (Now Foods) is available in many countries around the world.

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Gymnema Sylvestre is an herb that has been used traditionally in India for centuries. Modern research has shown that this herb may help to support healthy glucose metabolism through its ability to promote healthy pancreatic function. In addition Gymnema exhibits potent free-radical scavenging...
Visaxinum D dla osób dorosłych z cerą trądzikową, tabletki powlekane, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm)Visaxinum D dla osób dorosłych z cerą trądzikową, tabletki powlekane, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm)

Polish version

Visaxinum D dla osób dorosłych z cerą trądzikową, tabletki powlekane, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm) contains amoung others Gurmar.

Visaxinum D dla osób dorosłych z cerą trądzikową, tabletki powlekane, 30 szt. / (Aflofarm) is available exlusively in Poland.

Visaxinum D - suplement diety wspomagający prawidłowy wygląd skóry, oczyszczanie i ochronę przed wolnymi rodnikami. Preparat przeznaczony dla osób dorosłych.

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Gurmar (Gymnema Sylvestre)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Gymnema SylvestreGymnema Sylvestre Leaf, Gymnema Sylvestre Powder, Gurmar, Asclepias Geminata
Parts Used Medicinally:Root, Leaves