What are the properties of Common Knotgrass in supplements?

The properties of Common Knotgrass

The supplements containing Common Knotgrass

Fitolizyna Nefrocaps Forte, kapsułki, 30 szt. / (Herbapol Warszawa)Fitolizyna Nefrocaps Forte, kapsułki, 30 szt. / (Herbapol Warszawa)

Polish version

Fitolizyna Nefrocaps Forte, kapsułki, 30 szt. / (Herbapol Warszawa) contains amoung others Common Knotgrass.

Fitolizyna Nefrocaps Forte, kapsułki, 30 szt. / (Herbapol Warszawa) is available exlusively in Poland.

Fitolizyna nefrocaps FORTE - suplement diety, to unikalna kompozycja 7 skoncentrowanych ekstraktów ziołowych, standaryzowana na zawartość flawonoidów.

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Common Knotgrass (Polygonum Aviculare)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Polygonum AviculareKnotgrass Herb, Common Knotgrass, Prostrate Knotweed, Birdweed, Pigweed, Lowgrass
Latin NameEMA
Polygoni Avicularis HerbaPolygoni Avicularis Herba