What are the properties of Club Moss in supplements?

The properties of Club Moss

The Club Moss has not yet been classified as a component of any supplement we recommend, however, if you know of any specific that should be put on our list, please feel welcome to submit your proposition (contact us). We will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Club Moss (Lycopodium Clavatum)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
NameCommon Names
Lycopodium ClavatumClubmoss, Ground Pine, Stag’s Horn Moss, Wolf’s Claw Moss, Running Pine, Club Moss
Clubmoss has been used by ancient healers for over two thousand years. The druids used this plant as a laxative and purgative. Native Americans used it to treat postpartum pain, fever, weakness and to stop the bleeding of wounds. Today, clubmoss is used for kidney and urinary disorders, stomach upset, diarrhea and for treating skin conditions. This plant contains a substance called Huperzine which may be effective for memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease. More studies on clubmoss have to be done to determine it’s safety and effectiveness in this area.
People with gallstones should not consume chicory.
Parts Used Medicinally:Whole Plant, Spores, Fresh Plant
Clubmoss Is Native To The Northern And Southern Hemispheres