What are the properties of Cinnamon Bark in supplements?

The Supplements with Cinnamon BarkThe Supplements with Cinnamon Bark

The properties of Cinnamon Bark

Cinnamon Bark Extract. Helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
Facilitates weight control. Improves digestive comfort.

The supplements containing Cinnamon Bark


English version

Detoxyn contains amoung others Cinnamon Bark.

Detoxyn is available in many countries around the world.

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Most of the human population are carriers of at least one parasite. Every day the organisms of millions of people struggle with uninvited guests who threaten their life and health. Pathogens and toxins cause a number of ailments harming the nervous, digestive respiratory and circulatory systems as...
MCT Collagen, Natural Vanilla, 13.4 oz (379 g) (Zhou Nutrition)MCT Collagen, Natural Vanilla, 13.4 oz (379 g) (Zhou Nutrition)

English version

MCT Collagen, Natural Vanilla, 13.4 oz (379 g) (Zhou Nutrition) contains amoung others Cinnamon Bark.

MCT Collagen, Natural Vanilla, 13.4 oz (379 g) (Zhou Nutrition) is available in many countries around the world.

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Sometimes those Monday morning blues follow you around regardless of what day it is, so we created the perfect blend of MCT and Collagen to help you shake that feeling. Our MCTs are C8 and C10-- that's the good stuff and we've got lots of it. Plus, we’ve packed MCT Collagen with type 1 and type...
Morwa Biała Plus, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Avet Pharma)Morwa Biała Plus, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Avet Pharma)

Polish version

Morwa Biała Plus, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Avet Pharma) contains amoung others Cinnamon Bark.

Morwa Biała Plus, tabletki powlekane, 60 szt. / (Avet Pharma) is available exlusively in Poland.

MORWA BIAŁA PLUS FORTE - suplement diety zawierający w składzie chrom, ekstrakt z cynamonowca, witaminę B12 oraz ekstrakt z morwy białek. Produkt przeznaczony dla osób dorosłych.

If you know of any other quality supplement that has not been yet classified by us, please contact us and we will gladly consider adding it to our catalogue.

Cinnamon Bark - References & External links

Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum Verum)

TBS Ingredient ID (TBSI ID):
CladeMagnoliids Angiosperms Tracheophytes
NameCommon Names
Cinnamomum VerumCinnamon, Cinnamon Bark Oil, Cinnamon - Ceylon, Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamomum Zeylandicum, Ceylon Cinnamon, True Cinnamon, Sri Lankan Cinnamon, Cinnamon Bark Extract
Latin NameEMA
Cinnamomi Corticis AetheroleumCinnamomi Corticis Aetheroleum
Cinnamomi CortexCinnamomi Cortex
Parts Used Medicinally:Bark

The references to scientific articles about Cinnamon Bark are not meant to imply that any products treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or human condition. We encourage our audience to do their own research beyond the resources we have provided so your decision is as educated as possible.