Treatment of acne vulgaris and rosacea.

Jablonska Stephania
Archives of dermatology, 1975


At the last meeting of the Pacific Dermatologic Association in Las Vegas, I reported our method of treating acne vulgaris and rosacea. Since I have received a number of requests for details of our method, an account is given here. In brief, the method consists of administration of 1,000 mg daily of niacinamide, which has some antilipid properties, and riboflavin, 18 mg daily, for at least six months. Supplementing ascorbic acid, 1,000 mg daily, and pyridoxine hydrochloride, 150 mg daily, adds to the beneficial effects. Vitamin mixtures should be avoided during treatment because of the unfavorable effects of cyanocobalamin and such salts as iodides contained in some of them.If pustular lesions are numerous, treatment is started by administration of tetracycline, 500 mg daily for 20 days and 250 mg daily for the next 30 to 60 days. In very severe pustular changes, 500 mg of tetracycline... (full text:


The best supplements with Riboflavin in Acne category:

  • Derminax - Gels, creams and ointments are not effective because they fight symptoms not the cause. It contains among others: Riboflavin.

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