A new way to produce hyperketonemia: use of ketone ester in a case of Alzheimer's disease.

Newport Mary T., et al.
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2015



Providing ketone bodies to the brain can bypass metabolic blocks to glucose utilization and improve function in energy-starved neurons. For this, plasma ketones must be elevated well above the ≤ 0.2 mM default concentrations normally prevalent. Limitations of dietary methods currently used to produce therapeutic hyperketonemia have stimulated the search for better approaches.


Described herein is a new way to produce therapeutic hyperketonemia, entailing prolonged oral administration of a potent ketogenic agent--ketone monoester (KME)--to a patient with Alzheimer's disease dementia and a pretreatment Mini-Mental State Examination score of 12.


The patient improved markedly in mood, affect, self-care, and cognitive and daily activity performance. The KME was well tolerated throughout the 20-month treatment period. Cognitive performance tracked plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, with noticeable improvements in conversation and interaction at the higher levels, compared with predose levels.


KME-induced hyperketonemia is robust, convenient, and safe, and the ester can be taken as an oral supplement without changing the habitual diet. Published by Elsevier Inc.


Brain insulin resistance; Fasting; Ketogenic diet; Ketone bodies; Ketone monoester; Medium-chain triglyceride; Pyruvate dehydrogenase; β-Hydroxybutyrate

Category:Brain / Mental Clarity

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