
    • New Biotix Care Probiotic Drops Proven To Help Reduce Colic And Decrease Crying At Night For Babies – Infantile colic is one of the significant challenges parents face with their children. It is one of the common reasons parents seek medical advice during their child’s first three months of life. It’s defined as paroxysms of crying lasting over 3 hours a day, occurring over three days in any week for three weeks in a healthy baby aged two weeks to 4 months. Colic is a poorly understood phenomenon affecting up to 30% of babies, underlying organic causes of excessive crying account for less than 5%.
    • CBD Products To Support Brain Function, Memory And Cognitive Processes – Life in the 21st century is very often associated with high pace of action, intensive activity, long-term stress and the overwhelming influence of various types of distractors in the professional and private field. This may lead to chronic fatigue and, consequently, the lack of satisfactory results and general dissatisfaction with one’s own actions and achievements. A lifestyle dominated by haste, multitasking and the pressure of results causes problems with concentration or memory, which is very burdensome at work or during the learning process. Many people cannot withstand such a heavy load of activities and, as a consequence, develop various ailments, including brain diseases.